I’d like to take this time to post the top Evony players in different aspects of Evony. Top Forum Poster: whiterosedreams with over 7,750 posts. Top Overall Alliance: MISC (Server 3) – Over 100,000,000 {100 Million} Prestige, Over 215,000,000 (215 Million) Honor, and over 670 Cities. Highest Prestige: Arctic – Over 15,800,000 {15.8 Million} Prestige… Continue reading Top Evony Players
Tag: honor
Chapter 13 – Prestige and Honor
13. Prestige/Honor Prestige and honor can be two confusing things. How do you earn them? What do they do? Well, in the simple form, nothing. But they show everything. Prestige: Gained by building units and buildings, researching techs and killing NPC’s Honor: Gained by killing more of the enemy than you lose. Must be another… Continue reading Chapter 13 – Prestige and Honor
Getting Evony Medals
In a previous medals article, Hods Realm gave the basics for obtaining and finding medals. We gave you all the factors in determining how to get certain medals. Due to high demand, we will give you exactly where and how to get the medals you need. *NOTE* This is the Hods style to obtaining specific… Continue reading Getting Evony Medals
Hods News – 5/28/09
It’s time for the forum viewers to be up to date if they aren’t already. – Lots of new basic guides and information has been posted on the homepage. To view them, go to https://hods.com/evony. – The Hods Freebies are nearing a soon release, so stay tuned! Make sure you’re here to get free honor,… Continue reading Hods News – 5/28/09
Evony Medals
May 17th, 2009: As of the date above, I will summarize, describe, and elaborate on the medals in Evony. Firstly: Medal drops have been updated. The previous medal drops of basically zero have now been changed to a higher drop rate. The medals are worth more with increasing value based on how much loyalty the… Continue reading Evony Medals