Conquer a Level 10 NPC – Norm & Cheap

Hods Realm has released the first two guides to conquering a level 10 NPC. These are the first of many to come. We have tested over a dozen different ways to conquer a level 10 NPC and are going to share the best ones with all of you! Some of the processes are ones that… Continue reading Conquer a Level 10 NPC – Norm & Cheap

Getting Evony Medals

In a previous medals article, Hods Realm gave the basics for obtaining and finding medals. We gave you all the factors in determining how to get certain medals. Due to high demand, we will give you exactly where and how to get the medals you need. *NOTE* This is the Hods style to obtaining specific… Continue reading Getting Evony Medals

Early June Changes

I believe that it’s time for me to inform you all about the updates and changes the UMGE or Evony, has made. I know some of you may be confused over a few things, so I will clarify everything as best I can. – Over the course of 5 days, Evony released 5 new servers.… Continue reading Early June Changes