For intermediate level players. You have most likely heard from everyone that you don’t need any ware houses and while that may be true for more advanced players it’s not for you intermediate level players. I’m not about to say you need you need to have five plus ware houses, but only one. This is… Continue reading The Importance of a Ware House
Tag: building
Evony Workshop
In Evony, the workshop is very similar to your Forge – rudimentary at best and has fairly minimal uses. The workshop is necessary for offense and defense mechanics. You also need to upgrade your workshop in order to research the Metal Casting technology. Once you have fully researched your Metal Casting, the workshop ceases to… Continue reading Evony Workshop
Evony Forge
In Evony, a forge is the workplace of a smith or blacksmith. The main and only point of a Forge is to upgrade your Military Science research which enables you to create troops more quickly. A forge is also the pre-requisite for building your Walls. Hopefully in the future there is a more important role… Continue reading Evony Forge
Evony Embassy
In Evony, the Embassy hosts military units from your other alliance members. You need an Embassy if you want to create or join an alliance (level 1 to join, level 2 to create). An alliance host may increase the maximum capacity by upgrading his/her Embassy. For people who want their alliance’s military support, the level… Continue reading Evony Embassy
Evony Warehouse
The warehouse is the most useless building in Evony. What the warehouse does is keep a certain amount of your resources from being plundered after you get attacked. Unfortunately, these numbers of resources are so low that it’s insignificant and you’re better off using the space for another more useful building.
Evony Stable
In Evony, a stable is a building where your horsemen (cavalry, cataphracts) are kept. Stables decrease the time it takes to train horsemen, and the higher level your stable, the faster your horsemen will move. You cannot research Horseback Riding technology without a stable and you cannot build a Relief Station without Horseback Riding. Horseback… Continue reading Evony Stable
Evony Beacon Tower
The beacon tower is vital building to any player who wants to fight battles. The higher level your beacon tower is, the better chance you have of knowing exactly who is attacking you with what military force, and what your targets’ defenses are. This is a warning building to give you time to prepare for… Continue reading Evony Beacon Tower
Evony Rally Spot
The Rally Spot is a building for your army to live in, where you can give an order to attack or conduct a military exercise. The higher the level, the more troops you can dispatch at a time. Level 1 you may send 10,000 units to attack a target. Level 5 you may send 50,000… Continue reading Evony Rally Spot
Evony Town Hall
Of all the buildings in Evony, you had better know the Town Hall through & through, or you are missing out on a fundamental of the game. First, I’ll go over the basic “features” that a Town Hall has. – In the Overview tab of the Town Hall, it lists all your buildings and what… Continue reading Evony Town Hall
Evony Cottage
Cottages in Evony are probably the most basic building that you can construct. They have one purpose: to house any people who want to live in your town. The more cottages, and the higher level each cottage is, the more population you can obtain. For a quick reference: Level 1 cottages offer 100 population. Level… Continue reading Evony Cottage
Evony Academy
In Evony, the Academy is one of the most essential buildings you can construct. The Academy makes people win battles, obtain resources more quickly, construct other buildings faster, and create military units and fortifications with immense speed. The following can be researched in the Academy: Agriculture: “enhances food production” This is just as important as… Continue reading Evony Academy
Evony Market
In Evony, the market is a very simple, yet important building. You may construct one by clicking on an open building spot in your Town and clicking on the market. You will need a small amount of resources to build it. A market is your source for selling surplus resources and buying resources you are… Continue reading Evony Market
RTTH – Prestige Analysis
After publicly releasing RTTH, we got many requests for more information. I’m going to extend a bit about RTTH and the implications about it. In the first article, we learned that the Rank, Title, and Town Hall level affects how much prestige you get per completion. Now many people went on to panic, completely regretting… Continue reading RTTH – Prestige Analysis
RTTH – Prestige Building Secret
Why am I not getting as much prestige now? Why is my prestige rising slower than it did when I first started? Many players often wonder what they did wrong. “When I first started, I got 11 prestige just for upgrading a farm to level 4! Now I get 3!” So what is the secret?… Continue reading RTTH – Prestige Building Secret
Building a City
This is a short but sweet article about how to make a second city, third city, fourth city, and so forth. Firstly: You need 10,000 food, 10,000 lumber, 10,000 stone, 10,000 iron, and 10,000 gold. In addition, you need to own at least one flat and have 250 workers available. In order to build the… Continue reading Building a City
Sawmills are your primary means of obtaining lumber/wood. Lumber is the most important supply for building/construction. Wood is also used for research and making military units. Lumber is the most profitable resource to sell in the market. This is a table of the Evony sawmill without including any research or the castellan. Sawmill Level Amount… Continue reading Sawmill