Today, we completely finished the researched and technologies portion of the Evony Database. All 19 technologies are now available at the database. We’ve divided them into three categories: Resource Technologies, Combat Technologies, and City Technologies If you have a suggestion to add something to all of the research technologies in the database, or an suggestion… Continue reading Evony Database – Research Technologies
Tag: technology
Evony Workshop
In Evony, the workshop is very similar to your Forge – rudimentary at best and has fairly minimal uses. The workshop is necessary for offense and defense mechanics. You also need to upgrade your workshop in order to research the Metal Casting technology. Once you have fully researched your Metal Casting, the workshop ceases to… Continue reading Evony Workshop
Evony Academy
In Evony, the Academy is one of the most essential buildings you can construct. The Academy makes people win battles, obtain resources more quickly, construct other buildings faster, and create military units and fortifications with immense speed. The following can be researched in the Academy: Agriculture: “enhances food production” This is just as important as… Continue reading Evony Academy
Importance of Range
In Evony, each military unit has a range. This range is the distance at which that unit can attack from. Before I continue, I will review each unit’s un-upgraded range: Worker Range = 10 Warrior Range = 20 Swordsman Range = 30 Pike-man Range = 50 Cataphract Range = 80 Cavalry Range = 100 Battering… Continue reading Importance of Range
Resource Research Technology
This is the third of four detailed guides to maximizing your resource production so that your Evony experience is that much more fun. The first guide on resource buildings and fields can be found HERE. The second guide on the Castellan / Mayor can be found HERE. Technology: To begin with your resources technology researching,… Continue reading Resource Research Technology
5 Minute Instant Building
Often, when a player is new to Evony, he/she gets confused on how some buildings can be under 5 minutes, yet he/she cannot instantly construct that building. The reason for this is that the 5 minute instant build is based off of the “base time” it takes to construct a building. Sometimes, you may be… Continue reading 5 Minute Instant Building