Evony players often talk about having “specialized cities”. This means that they have a “farm/food city” or “sawmill/lumber city” or “quarry/stone city” or “ironmine/iron city”. Your guess is probably right – that the particular city only has farms, sawmills, quarries, or ironmines. What is the advantage of that? Farm & Food Cities: We believe Farm… Continue reading Evony Resource Cities
Tag: lumber
Evony Database – Resources
We’ve added a new section for the Evony database: General. In this General category, we’ve completely finished adding the “resources” section. We plan to add multiple other parts in addition to redoing our Evony buildings database and finishing the Evony items portion of the database. Evony Gold, Evony Food, Evony Lumber, Evony Stone, and Evony… Continue reading Evony Database – Resources
Evony Market
In Evony, the market is a very simple, yet important building. You may construct one by clicking on an open building spot in your Town and clicking on the market. You will need a small amount of resources to build it. A market is your source for selling surplus resources and buying resources you are… Continue reading Evony Market
Evony Resources
This is a very basic guide on Evony resources. In Evony, the four resources are food, lumber, stone, and iron. These resources are used to construct buildings, research technology, and train troops. Gold is not a resource in Evony, but it is a supply. Gold is required to research technology, comfort your villagers, and is… Continue reading Evony Resources
Evony Valleys
This is a very basic article with information about Evony “valleys”. A valley is the generic term that consists of Flats, Forests, Lakes, Swamps, Hills, Deserts, and Grasslands. So yes, a flat is a valley. – A flat is an area of land that you may attack and if successful, take for your own. The… Continue reading Evony Valleys
Building a City
This is a short but sweet article about how to make a second city, third city, fourth city, and so forth. Firstly: You need 10,000 food, 10,000 lumber, 10,000 stone, 10,000 iron, and 10,000 gold. In addition, you need to own at least one flat and have 250 workers available. In order to build the… Continue reading Building a City
Sawmills are your primary means of obtaining lumber/wood. Lumber is the most important supply for building/construction. Wood is also used for research and making military units. Lumber is the most profitable resource to sell in the market. This is a table of the Evony sawmill without including any research or the castellan. Sawmill Level Amount… Continue reading Sawmill