This is the fourth (and final one) of four detailed guides to maximizing your resource production. Without a doubt, after you have read all four, you will have a much better idea of how to get iron, lumber, stone, and food much more quickly. The first guide on resource buildings and fields can be found… Continue reading Resource Valleys
Category: Maxing Resources
The four fundamentals to maximizing resource productivity in the browser game Evony.
Resource Research Technology
This is the third of four detailed guides to maximizing your resource production so that your Evony experience is that much more fun. The first guide on resource buildings and fields can be found HERE. The second guide on the Castellan / Mayor can be found HERE. Technology: To begin with your resources technology researching,… Continue reading Resource Research Technology
The Castellan / Mayor
This is the second of four detailed guides to maximizing your resource production so that your Evony experience is that much more enjoyable. The first guide on resource buildings and fields can be found HERE. Castellan/Mayor: Firstly, I’d like to address the possible discrepancy between the Castellan and Mayor. The Castellan and the Mayor are… Continue reading The Castellan / Mayor
Resource Buildings & Fields
This is the first of four detailed guides to maximizing your resource production so that you don’t have to worry about having the necessary materials when you’re going off to battle. The second guide to resource productivity with the Castellan/Mayor can be located by clicking HERE. Resource Buildings and Fields: When constructing buildings, time is… Continue reading Resource Buildings & Fields