Evony Resource Cities

Evony players often talk about having “specialized cities”. This means that they have a “farm/food city” or “sawmill/lumber city” or “quarry/stone city” or “ironmine/iron city”. Your guess is probably right – that the particular city only has farms, sawmills, quarries, or ironmines. What is the advantage of that?

Farm & Food Cities:

We believe Farm specialized cities to be the 3rd best type of specific cities. Lumber and Iron cities are more strategic, but Farm cities are more effective than stone cities.


– You can support a larger army without having negative food production.


– If your farms cannot support that large army, then you will have negative food production and no means of getting more food. Since you used up all your resource field slots, you cannot produce other resources to make gold.

Sawmill & Lumber Cities:

We believe Lumber cities to be the 1st best type of specific cities. This means that this is a better city than food, stone, or iron.


– Due to the high prices of lumber in the market, you can usually sell 1 lumber for twice the amount of food. Therefore, you can support a twice as large army as that of a Food city. In addition to that, lumber is a necessity for researching technologies, constructing buildings, training troops, and building fortified units. In essence, lumber is the most important resource in the Evony.


– You have to wait 30 minutes for resources to transport to your city through the market.

Quarry & Stone Cities:

We believe Stone cities to be the 4th best type of specific cities. This means that this is the worst city to have and that food, lumber, and iron are all better options.


– You can have a huge amount of stone to build fortifications and construct buildings.


– Stone is the least valuable resource and therefore is fairly worthless. The average trade rate is 100 stone for 1 food, 500 stone for 1 lumber and iron. The prices speak for themselves.

Ironmine & Iron Cities:

We believe Iron cities to be the 2nd best type of specific cities. It was tough to decide which was more effective – iron or lumber cities. Iron is definitely a good city to have. Why is Iron worse than Lumber? Yes, we are aware that lumber and iron prices are virtually equal, so it boiled down to one thing: Ironmines take longer to build than Sawmills. That is the only reason.


– Due to the high prices of iron in the market, you can usually sell 1 iron for twice the amount of food. Therefore, you can support a twice as large army as that of a Food city. In addition to that, iron is a necessity for researching technologies, constructing buildings, training troops, and building fortified units. Iron is equal in prices to that of lumber.


– You have to wait 30 minutes for resources to transport to your city through the market.