Today, I’d like to take the time to describe some of the happenings at the Evony forum boards:
Ever since the release of iEvony Beta, the official Evony forums and on all the Evony servers and worlds, players have been heatedly discussing and debating about iEvony. As I discussed earlier, iEvony is a client that allows members to gain credits, which can be turned into Game Cents. Obviously, everyone wants free money & Game Cents, so hundreds upon hundreds of players piled threads into the Evony forums in attempt to gain more credits for themselves. There are over 328, different threads (and some of them have hundreds of posts in them) about iEvony within just over a week of release. Remember, this is only in beta as well!
Recently, NPCs & Medals are the hottest spot of discussion for Evony Guides, due to the everchanging variables. When will the level 10 NPC be changed next? What’s the current Medals drop rate?
Evony has, in theory, four liasons now. Dawnseeker, Swansea, Thalin Athasian, and Valkirah. Unfortunately, we have not heard hide nor heels from Valkirah and he has done nothing but post an introduction.