Restoring a Crippled/Destroyed City
A Crippled City has 0 Population, 0 Loyalty, and less then 100 Public Grievances
A Destroyed City has 0 Population, 0 Loyalty, and 100 Public Grievances
I will explain how to fully restore both types of cities quickly and with a minimum of help from other players. Of course a little luck with the Amulet is always good. Also, a crippled city may be one that you have just captured and there for has 0 Public Grievances.
What you need:
- For a crippled city: Gold
- For a Destroyed city: Food
- Any other resource you can sell
Note: If you have a Speech Text and don’t mind using it, you can skip this outline and use it to restore both types of cities immediately.
- Reduce ALL production rates to 0% to prevent any further Public Grievances from over working you population
- Set the tax rate to the percentage you want.
- Remember, the higher the tax rate in the city is, the lower its loyalty will be, and the less population you will be able to have in the city.
- Check for any wall defenses you can destroy for resources you can sell
- Sell any resource you don’t need for the restoration of the city
- Crippled City with 20 or fewer public grievances
- Apply Comforting – Prayer every 15 minutes
- i. Repeat there are 0 Public Grievances
- ii. May repeat until Loyalty + Tax Rate = 100 or more but this is not generally necessary as the loyalty will begin restoring on its own once the public grievances have been reduced to less then 100 – Tax Rate
- i. Use newly restored population to restore production rates being careful to not set them higher than you have population for
- ii. I recommend restoring food production first, and then bring the other 3 up as your cities population permits
- iii. Can apply Comforting – Population Raising to bring the population up faster but this will require food
- i. Repeat until there less than 10 public grievances
- ii. If you have insufficient food, you can apply Comforting – Blessing to get food in exchange for gold
- i. Repeat there are 0 Public Grievances
- ii. May repeat until Loyalty + Tax Rate = 100 or more but this is not generally necessary as the loyalty will begin restoring on its own once the public grievances have been reduced to less then 100 – Tax Rate
- i. Use newly restored population to restore production rates being careful to not set them higher than you have population for
- ii. I recommend restoring food production first, and then bring the other 3 up as your cities population permits
- iii. Can apply Comforting – Population Raising to bring the population up faster but this will require food
- i. Repeat until there are 10 Public Grievances
- i. May repeat until Loyalty + Tax Rate = 100 or more but this is not generally necessary as the loyalty will begin restoring on its own once the public grievances have been reduced to less then 100 – Tax Rate
- i. Use newly restored population to restore production rates being careful to not set them higher than you have population for
- ii. I recommend restoring food production first, and then bring the other 3 up as your cities population permits
- iii. Can apply Comforting – Population Raising to bring the population up faster but this will require food
- As the loyalty restores, so will the population
- Estimated time to completion: 1 hour
- Crippled City with more than 20 public grievances
- Apply Comforting – Disaster Relief every 15 minutes
- Apply Comforting – Prayer every 15 minutes
- As the loyalty restores, so will the population
- Estimated time to completion: 1 hour to 2 hours
- Destroyed City
- Apply Comforting – Disaster Relief every 15 minutes
- Apply Comforting – Prayer 2 times
- As the loyalty restores, so will the population
- Estimated time to completion: 1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours
- Check the rally point for any troops that can be healed
- Recruit new heroes appointing the one with the best politics to mayor
Your city is now fully restored and ready to resume normal operations.
For Questions or comments please contact me at: [email protected] and please put “Evony City Restoring Guide” in the subject line.
You can also get a hold of me from within Evony. I play on server 24, my name there is Drackeye.
Dragon’s Eye