Well, I think it’s time for me to give you guys the summary of Evony’s development in the last couple weeks.
– Evony has opened several new servers for old and new players to play on. Since my last development post, Evony has released Server 6, Server 7, Server 8, and Server 9.
– Evony has selected two new forum moderators to help manage the forum boards: Cyhort & Kitiara.
– Evony has officially announced that they will be “pruning” inactive players on all the servers.
- Accounts with less than 100 prestige will be flagged inactive after 3 days with no login.
- Accounts with between 100 and 1000 prestige will be flagged inactive after 7 days with no login.
- Accounts with more than 1000 prestige are subject to being flagged inactive after 60 days with no login. We are not currently marking these accounts inactive, but we may do so in the future without further notice.
- In addition, accounts which have only one city, and that city has high grievance with 0 loyalty will be flagged as inactive after 5 days with no login.
- The only exceptions are accounts which have purchased Evony Cents. These accounts will never be flagged as inactive.
- All accounts which are flagged as inactive will be deleted during the daily maintenance period. If you do not want your account to be deleted, log in once in awhile!
– Evony has made some patches to improve your game-play:
- When a beacon tower detects enemy troops marching to one of your cities, the Reports icon will flash in red.
- When there are finished quests, the Quest icon will flash in green.
- Coordinates can now be removed from Coordinate List.
- Mail and Reports systems have been optimized.
- On the payment screen, your account email address is automatically filled in for new users, to help prevent errors processing.
– Evony made a contest called “Queen of Evony”. The goal of the contest is to give the community some fun and to reward women who are dedicated to Evony. The winner and the winner’s alliance will receive in-game rewards.
– With the release of the “Queen of Evony”, many men have been hopeful about a “King of Evony” contest. Will there be a contest for who is the greatest King? Who knows *wink*…..
That’s all for now people. Be sure to check back everyday for new guides and news!