Evony Language Thread & Scout Changes

Interestingly enough, the Evony forum has opened two beta language threads for players who do not speak the primary language (English). This means that there will now be more aid for those who speak French and Spanish (I’m sure more will be added as time continues). Spanish Thread French Thread Evony is now more intent… Continue reading Evony Language Thread & Scout Changes

Empire Craft – Web Browser MMORTS

Empire Craft is a new free MMORTS (massively multiplayer online role-playing strategy) game that allows players to develop cities, armies, resource plots, and battle for dominance against other players on a massive world map. Each player starts out with a plot of land and must build up his/her city, defenses, food and resource production, and… Continue reading Empire Craft – Web Browser MMORTS

Evony Resource Cities

Evony players often talk about having “specialized cities”. This means that they have a “farm/food city” or “sawmill/lumber city” or “quarry/stone city” or “ironmine/iron city”. Your guess is probably right – that the particular city only has farms, sawmills, quarries, or ironmines. What is the advantage of that? Farm & Food Cities: We believe Farm… Continue reading Evony Resource Cities

Evony Prestige & Battle Changes

Originally stated by Dawnseeker, an Evony liason representative: “In our efforts to make Evony more balanced, we are considering implementing a change to Prestige to prevent players from gaining Prestige at high rates by bypassing normal progression. What we will do is cap Prestige at a fixed amount, based on the player’s title: Civilian…… 100k… Continue reading Evony Prestige & Battle Changes

Evony Server Manager – Beta!

Hods.com has released a great tool for all Evony players! After hours of work, we’ve completed the beta stage of the Evony Server Manager. Short summary: This manager allows you to access multiple servers or worlds at the same time on the same page. This is very useful for people who play on many servers… Continue reading Evony Server Manager – Beta!

Funniest Post in Evony – August

Today, an extremely funny and commendable post was made by a user named Wildor. It was funny enough that it has made it to the front page of Hods Realm as the Funniest Moment in Evony for the month of August. This post is on the official Evony Community Forums. Here’s the quote: “As this… Continue reading Funniest Post in Evony – August

Evony Database – Resources

We’ve added a new section for the Evony database: General. In this General category, we’ve completely finished adding the “resources” section. We plan to add multiple other parts in addition to redoing our Evony buildings database and finishing the Evony items portion of the database. Evony Gold, Evony Food, Evony Lumber, Evony Stone, and Evony… Continue reading Evony Database – Resources

Using the Evony Community Forum

Many players, or members, of Evony do not fully understand how the official Evony Community Forums work. This guide will answer all of the misunderstandings and should teach you a few things about forum boards. Guide Last Updated: August 9th, 2009 1. Basics a. How to register a forum account b. How to create a… Continue reading Using the Evony Community Forum

Evony Database – Research Technologies

Today, we completely finished the researched and technologies portion of the Evony Database. All 19 technologies are now available at the database. We’ve divided them into three categories: Resource Technologies, Combat Technologies, and City Technologies If you have a suggestion to add something to all of the research technologies in the database, or an suggestion… Continue reading Evony Database – Research Technologies

Evony Database and Popular Posts

Two changes to Hods Realm: one major, one minor. 1. The Evony Database has been added! This means that you can access information on Evony buildings, items and more! Keep in mind that it will take time to add all of the individual parts so stay tuned! 2. The top 10 most popular posts has… Continue reading Evony Database and Popular Posts

Evony Workshop

In Evony, the workshop is very similar to your Forge – rudimentary at best and has fairly minimal uses. The workshop is necessary for offense and defense mechanics. You also need to upgrade your workshop in order to research the Metal Casting technology. Once you have fully researched your Metal Casting, the workshop ceases to… Continue reading Evony Workshop

Evony Inn

In Evony, the Inn is used to recruit Heroes which benefits your city immensely. Increasing the level of your Inn allows more Heroes of higher level to be recruited. The quality of available Heroes varies respectful to your Inn level. For example: You may find 5 heroes in a level 5 Inn. The best way to… Continue reading Evony Inn

Evony Forge

In Evony, a forge is the workplace of a smith or blacksmith. The main and only point of a Forge is to upgrade your Military Science research which enables you to create troops more quickly. A forge is also the pre-requisite for building your Walls. Hopefully in the future there is a more important role… Continue reading Evony Forge

Evony Embassy

In Evony, the Embassy hosts military units from your other alliance members. You need an Embassy if you want to create or join an alliance (level 1 to join, level 2 to create). An alliance host may increase the maximum capacity by upgrading his/her Embassy. For people who want their alliance’s military support, the level… Continue reading Evony Embassy

Massive Evony Armies

What would an army of Cataphracts do? What would happen if I sent 100,000 to attack my enemy? What would 75,000 battering rams do? I’d love to see my enemy’s face! So..what would happen if you had an unreal amount of a powerful unit? Would you completely dominate the game? The simple answer is –… Continue reading Massive Evony Armies

Evony Forum Problem

The Evony community forums had a very small problem yesterday on August 3rd, 2009. A certain moderator by the name of millaro decided that he didn’t want to be a moderator anymore and would go out with some “fun”. He decided that deleting, moving, and merging a bunch of threads from different forums would be… Continue reading Evony Forum Problem

Chapter 14 – Communication and Misinformation

Communication and Misinformation There are a few forms of communication in this game, all of which are important, when utilized correctly. There are the (currently 4) types of chat, and the two different mail types. Chat: A live room in which you can talk to other player online. They type of chat lets you know… Continue reading Chapter 14 – Communication and Misinformation

Chapter 13 – Prestige and Honor

13. Prestige/Honor Prestige and honor can be two confusing things. How do you earn them? What do they do? Well, in the simple form, nothing. But they show everything. Prestige: Gained by building units and buildings, researching techs and killing NPC’s Honor: Gained by killing more of the enemy than you lose. Must be another… Continue reading Chapter 13 – Prestige and Honor

Importance of Heroes

So everybody talks about the importance of range, the importance of your technology levels…but what really is the most important aspect of Evony? The answer is here and now. Heroes are the most important part of Evony. You’re about to find out why. Heroes are the foundation of a strong civilization. 1. A hero with… Continue reading Importance of Heroes